Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Top Sentence: Both ads are very attractive, but the ad that shows David dividing his body into two parts (B) is more striking than the other ad (A).
Main point 1: Description of both ads.
Main point 2: About A
Detail: background color, the flying flower
Main point 3: About B
Detail: background color, cutting his body into two parts
Concluding sentence: Therefore, ad B is more attractive than ad A because ad B makes people think that is really magic show.
The comparison of two ads
Both ads are very attractive, but the ad that shows David dividing his body into two parts (B) is more striking than the other ad (A). Each ad shows David plays tricks in the picture. Ad A shows David’s hands hold a flying flower but he does not touch the flower and nothing is between his hands and the flower. We can see only his head and hands; other parts of his body are hiding in the black background. Ad B shows David cut his waist and let his body become two individual parts and his hands hold his lags to keep his balance. Ad A is amazing because he it is not easy to let flower fly without anything help but in a second thought maybe something that is black really helps the flower flying. The background is black and we cannot see black tools help the flower flying. Ad B is very shocking because it is absolutely not a normal thing that a person cutting himself into two parts can still be alive. David does cut his body but he does not bleed. The background is quite bright and his clothes’ colors are different from the background. Those do not help him hiding tools. Therefore, ad B is more attractive than ad A because ad B makes people think that is really magic show.

The Magic Show ad is very mysterious and attractive because it shows only some simple but interesting things. The picture shows that a handsome man, David, who is well known by almost every body and the background is all black. David only shows his head and his hands. The mysterious thing includes that why David hides his body in the black background except his head and hands. David has a flower flying in his hand but he does not touch the flower and nothing is between his hands and the flower just like the flower flying itself. The amazing image is really attractive because a flower cannot fly at ordinary condition and that is impossible to let flower fly without tools help. There must be some magic thing in this condition. Everyone wants to know why he can do that. Only going to the magic show can tell what is going on and what other magic shows he will play.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Description of an ad

The Magic Show ad is very mysterious and attractive because it shows only some words and simple things. The picture shows mysterious image: a handsome man with a big, bright moon in his left back and the background is all black. The man gives a wanting-to-shake-hand-with-you pose. The pose is really attractive because that makes us want to know what he invite us to join him. The moon and black background imply this interesting thing is not usual. Unusual things always happen at night. The simple words also attract us because it only shows the names of the factories that raise the ad and doesn’t tell any detail about the show. Only entering the page can tell what is going on and what is the interesting thing.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I studied at ChanKuo Senior High School. I didn't do it well on my Joint Collage Entrance Exam, so I entered Mechanical Engineering Department of National Taiwan University . After studing one year, I found out that I wasn't interested in it at all. I talked to my parents about going to study medical school and they both encouraged me to do it. Life in the cram school was not easy but I told myself I would make through it . I did very well on my interview which was taken by teachers in ChangGung University. When I found my name on the entrance list on the Internet, I was very happy.
That is my learning progress.